Our Primary Care Centre is ideally located in the village. It accommodates the local GP and PHN as well as the Community Physiotherapist who visits every two weeks. The building is accessible by wheel chair and there is a lift to the first floor where the physiotherapy room is located. The local community works closely with the HSE in maintaining the services available in Clonbur.
Our National School is in the process of installing a hearing system to cater for children with hearing difficulties.
Spraoi sa Choill/Woodland Park will have an area suitable for children with disabilities.
We, as a parish fund-raised for a specially adapted iPad for one of our parishioners who is unable to speak but is now able to communicate with her family and friends.
We hold a church gate collection annually for Ballinrobe Arch Club.
The aims of the Arch Club are:
- To provide a social outlet for people with special needs.
- To develop the members social skills, self- esteem and quality of life through a dynamic range of activities.
- To provide support, information and respite for parents and families.
- To influence public policy towards those with special needs through contact with statutory agencies.
- The Arch Club in Ballinrobe takes people with special needs on outings, such as bowling or the cinema and away for week-ends.
- A number of people from Clonbur benefit from the activities of the Arch Club and we as a community are anxious to support the club in any way we can.
While the Special Olympics in 2003 may seem like a long time ago, we in Clonbur still remember the event with great fondness. In partnership with our friends in Ballinrobe, we were honoured to have been chosen to host the team from Algeria. What memories we still have of that amazing week with those wonderful athletes and their coaches. We always knew we have something very special in Clonbur, but it was especially proven in June 2003. We had so many offers of help and support; the only problem we had was that we didn’t have enough athletes and coaches to go around!