Geopark Aspirant

Clonbur, as part of Joyce Country is currently a Geopark Aspirant.

This means that this locality has the natural assets and potential to gain full Geopark status when if makes an application next year. The concept of a Geopark is really a model for sustainable rural development. It represents an opportunity for local communities in the area of the Geopark to benefit both socially and economically by maximising the natural landscape and cultural heritage for sustainable rural development.

What are the benefits of Geopark Status?

It must raise the living standard of its inhabitants as an overriding aim from the outset.

It is a community led development.

It wants to encourage and promote current farming practices.

It will give landowners and farmers the potential to develop alternative farming enterprises.

It encourages local food production and promotes the development of artisan food products.

It recognises the value of local traditions, activities, sports and customs.

It encourages local crafts and provides opportunities for marketing and sales.

It provides a marketing opportunity for tourism and promotes the concept of sustainable ecotourism.

It promotes healthy and active lifestyles through the development of outdoor activity.

It promotes educational tourism.

It represents an opportunity for drawing down funding for infrastructural development.

It encourages entrepreneurship and new business related to the activity of the Geopark.

It provides training opportunities to promote employment.

It promotes local festivals and community activity.

It promotes cultural activities like the Irish language and music.