Clonbur has had a Community Council for a long time and like every organisation there have been peaks and troughs of activity. The current committee is very aware of the work that has gone into community activities in the past and takes this opportunity to acknowledge and thank people for their vision and voluntary work which has helped to create Clonbur as a wonderful place to live and a great place to visit.
The current committee came together in 2012/2013 and is constantly working hard to put Clonbur on the map, to improve infrastructure and generally make Clonbur a cleaner, more attractive place. This culminated in winning the All Ireland Pride of Place award in 2016. However we are not finished yet!
You can help us to do this by helping us create a skills bank (have you a particular talent, skill or experience) that will allow the committee to avail of your time for particular projects? Or can you volunteer to come on the Community Council to help drive the work on an on-going basis? Clonbur Community Council will always need volunteers. We salute the spirit of volunteerism in the past and welcome new energy, innovative ideas and commitment into the future.
While the full Community Council meets at least four times a year much of the on going work is conducted at sub- committee level. These sub-groups are listed below, with other people/groups welcome and indeed encouraged to join:
- All Saint’s Heritage Centre and Geopark
- Clonbur Tidy Towns
- Spraoi sa Choill/Clonbur Woodland Playground
- Zambia Housing Project

Our main aims and objectives are:
- The promotion and marketing of Clonbur as a great place to live and a great place to visit.
- To liaise with Galway County Council and Mayo County Council and other vested interest groups.
- Promotion of All Saint’s Heritage Centre.
- To work with those involved with our application for Geopark status and to see our application through to a successful conclusion, the centre of which will be based in All Saint’s Heritage Centre, Clonbur.
- Work to improve the quality of life in Clonbur.
- Develop Spraoi sa Choill/Clonbur Woodland Play-ground.
- Further promote the work of the Zambia Housing Project and Zambia Youth Group.
- Work with Galway & Mayo County Councils in improving our roads and the development of walk & cycle paths and so promoting our area as a walking & cycling destination.
- To work with other groups and committees in the Clonbur area, for example; Clonbur Community Alert, the GAA, Angling Club, Coillte and local businesses.
- Organise annual Summer Festivals and Christmas Markets – both fund-raises for the Community Council.